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Information relevant / updated as of 9/20/2024

Please note: these are not meant to replace wearing a well-fit (preferably N95) facemask. These are meant to be additional layers of protection in addition to masking.

I will not be advocating for any particular brand. You can use these tables to select brands that contain the appropriate active ingredients. To do this, look up the ingredients by searching something like “cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash 0.07%” into a search browser, and mouthwash like (Crest PRO-HEALTH ADVANTAGE Rinse) will pop-up. Double-confirm the ingredients by typing in something like “Crest pro-health advantage rinse ingredients” when you find a potential brand of interest.


Click on the picture to enlarge

Mouthwash Summary Table.png

Alternatively, download/view the excel below of the table link for better viewing.

Additional Mitigation Tools_Mouthwash.xlsx

If viewing on phone, click on the excel link above, select open in, add to New Quick Note, select the link you created, and click view to see the full table clearly.

Nasal Sprays

Click on the picture to enlarge

Nasal Spray Summary Table.png