This is the navigable home page by which all of the resources I have developed are linked.

Background and Context:

My name is Patrick, and I am an engineer and scientist. All views expressed are my own, and I am speaking from a US-focused perspective.

The information I share is not meant to position me as an authority of the subject matter, and should not be taken as gospel, especially because the knowledge is ever-evolving. With Sars-Cov-2 we are learning as we go. The intent of this channel is to actively demonstrate my process of scientific discernment while reading and evaluating the literature on various covid-related topics, to help us to navigate through these confusing times.

Survey - Contribute to Creation of a Mask Selection Magazine

Quick Resources

Selecting a Mask for the Pandemic

Covid Tools / Active Resources

Covid Vaccine Timeline for Adults

Vaccines for Children (Initial Series)

Flowflex Positive Control Samples

Library of Congress - Covid Stories

Covid Lit Review & Lectures

Covid Lit Review References

Additional Mitigation Layers Beyond Masking

Covid Lectures and Presentations